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UK Holiday Pay in SAP Payroll

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UK Holiday Pay in SAP Payroll

The New UK Holiday Pay is a Reality

As a UK employer, you are required to pay an uplift on employees holiday pay depending on the employees variable earnings before the holiday.

We’ve published 3 articles on our blog to help you understand the questions you need to ask and your options in SAP Payroll:

  1. New Holiday Pay in SAP HR Payroll: the requirements
  2. New UK Holiday Pay: Technical Solution in SAP HR Payroll
  3. Special Cases in SAP Payroll for UK holiday pay

Fast implementation with our template based solution

We offer a fixed price solution to achieve a fast and safe implementation in as little as 2 weeks based on templates:

  • Workshop template for requirements workshop
  • Questionnaire template
  • Sample Configuration for average payment, if an implementation based on SAP average configuration is the right solution for you
  • Coding template, if an implementation with custom coding is the right solution for you
UK Holiday Pay in SAP Payroll




The package price is GBP 4800 + VAT (conditions apply and availability is limited).

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