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März 7, 2016
Im letzten Jahr wurde bereits angekündigt, dass es eine Änderung bei der Besteuerung von Versorgungsbezügen bei Versorgungsempfängern mit Hauptwohnsitz in der Türkei, Norwegen und Spanien (Stichwort Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen) geben wird.
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The end of the tax year is upon us, and the yearly exercise of payroll updates is here. There are of course the usual suspects and more to update in SAP, and are you fully versed on all the other announcements including National Living Wage and Gender Pay Gap reporting that were made during 2015...
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Concur has been part of European enterprise software giant SAP for more than a year now. SAP has stopped selling their home-grown cloud solution for travel and expense and announced Concur as their go-forward solution, whilst the on-premise product is merely being kept alive. This has led to a steep increase in Concur customer numbers...
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